Basic requirements: - you must have some knowledge about Kpop - you have to be at least 15 years old - Access to internet regularly - Good English knowledge (you don't have to be fluent or native speaker, you just need to be able to communicate)
Spots available: - Head Moderator: Will help organizing forum boards - Moderator: Will be responsible for a specific board, sub-board, or thread. Eg. Moderator of lovelyz thread - Translator: Will translate content from korean, chinese, japanese, etc to english - Graphic Team: Will be responsible for graphics, images and forum's theme. You don't need specific knowledge about Proboards, but you do need to know html, css, etc. Also responsible for tech Awards Team:Responsible for awards and all things to do with awards Events Team: Responsible for all games, and events that occur. PR Team: Responsible for promoting etc.
Looking for:
1 Head Mod 5 Mods 5 Translators 5 Graphic Team members 5 Awards Team members 5 Event Team members 5 Pr Team members
Applications Please, PM me with the following information:
- Name - E-mail - SNS (eg. Twitter) - What spot are you applying for: